Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Western vs Hungarian folk tales

There are huge differences between western tales and Hungarian folk tales. Why this is so important? Because this is the story, the teaching you put your children in bed with and you defining his or her foundation of thinking. Western tales are mostly speaking about violence. The main character leaves or gives up his family for some stranger or new society, thinks that's gonna be better than his own blood. If they have a family! Lots of time even they have some disability or at least the community, they live in, look upon it as a disability. All in all the whole tale is just so fucked up and twisted out. Plus there is no teaching or some kind of good conclusion.
In contradiction, Hungarian folk tales are always start with a loving family. The main character is going out to help for his family or to try his luck. He finds helpers, friends. Mostly from animal kingdom. So nature is his ally. Sometimes nature poses a test, but only to form the main character to a better person. Plus you see many times that if you join forces even the impossible is possible. If there are ancient tales, because I don't know all of them, in western world where the main character is not an orphan, no violence and the guy does not want to change his family (if he has one) for a useless princess or for some freak strangers along the way, than mea culpa. But how you can expect from children in western civilization that they will become a better generation when they are raised on such twisted stories. If the tales do not talk about prince and princess than they are mostly horror stories, like Little Red Riding Hood, Hans and Gretel, threatening dragons, monsters, man eating sirens, witches, etc.  Everybody is your enemy. Even your own family. If you have one. Get over the challenges in life with force, aggression and violence. And so on. What about the one good turn deserves an other?
Here is what I'm talking:
A tale from western world

A tale from Hungary

From which you can learn more? From which you can learn that your family is important, you need friends in life, life sometimes will test you, you must be kind to Nature and others to be treaten well too, join forces if your task or your opponent is too much for only you to taken care of? Which one is more human-oriented and kind? Which one reminds you to the finest guru's teaching, what Dalai Lama said about life?
And you still wondering why western civilization is so fucked up???

Monday, 15 September 2014

The way to be successful

You need three things. We can say these things are the trinity of being successful. First you need the will to start the particular object. How you can persuade yourself to do that? Start with a tiny step. With such a tiny step that you know you are able to do three times more. Than it will look easy and you will get into the thing with ease. Then you need the second principle: gradualism. To keep up whatever you doing you must be gradual. Don't take too much or more you have set up for that day. But set a goal for every day. Aim the next step with every day. Than the third rule. You have to be consistent. No matter there are frogs raining from the clouds you have to do the aimed portion of the job for the day. And because the task is ridiciously easy and just a tiny bit you will be done in a very short time. Thus, the result will make you happy. You will be glad you've done that. This will give you a boost on those hard days to keep goin' on. March forward. Do not let yourself detour from your goal. Even if a loved one asks you to do something else. They will understand how important is this for you. Plus, because the daily portion of the object is so little, they will see it doesn't take too much time, so they can wait until the end of it. This is the key to being successful in life. Volition, Gradualism, Consistency.
What is today's task? What is your aim for today? Have you done yet?

Saturday, 13 September 2014


Your problems are exist as long as you create them. Your problems are as big as much you care of them. The moment you stop creating and feeding your problems by visualizing them in the unknown and not existing future they will disappear. The moment you let the future go and not thinking about the non-existing future your life is going to become clear. Your problems are falling apart, because there is no existing dimension for them in your mind anymore. What creates your problems? Your destructive thoughts. Whether they are concern, hate, anger, etc. They are the creator of your problems and the frame of your own torcher device. So, forget about your past. You can't change it. You can only learn from it. That's why I said history education is bad. At least as they do it at the present and what they are focusing on. They only generate hate between nations. Your future is not exist. Actually there is no future at all. I mean a static one. Obviously if you don't let your annoying thoughts go away you justify yourself by determinating your future. Then you can say: " You see, I was right." But, if you clear the future up from your mind and live in the present you can always change it. So, stop chewing on the past and forget to think about the next bite. Focus on the present bite of your life. The moment you are able to still your mind you are able to think clearly and solve your problem. Gather the facts and knowledge you need to make a decision. Accept the worst case scenario, then let it go. After all do the most you can do in that case NOW than forget it. Go to sleep and say to your mind shut the fuck up, I did the best, now leave me alone.
Are you still annoying on some BS?

Why democracy is useless?

Ordenary peoply confusing promiscuity with freedom in democracy. They think they can do whatever shit they want, don't care about hurting others or the environment around. They call this freedom. They also think democracy is all about this falsely sensed freedom, which is promiscuity in real. What kind of freedom you have in modern democracy? You can chose from among two hypocritical party who pull stronger for four years one end of the rope. Hypocrites, who don't give a fuck about the will of nation (that what democracy literally means in greek). Superrich fuckers who cares only about their own wealth, prosperity and safety. Therefore they surround themselves with laws, layers, judges, police and armies, whether they private or national, to protect themselves from the will of the nation. More correctly from the revenge of the nation. That's what you call democracy? We call this in Hungary 'peasant glare'. Just think about for a sec. You have two party in the parliament. Both want your vote. Thus they promise the stars down from the sky, as we say it, in the campaign period. When one of them won they don't give a shit about you and your problems for the upcoming four years. Even in the parliament there is no effective work going on. Why? Because if one of the party comes up with some good idea, the other definitely votes against it. Why? Because they don't want something the other party can claim four years later, like "Yes, we built 500km highway." When the opposition got into the red chair the previous ruling party will do the same against them. So, democracy is nothing but a tug of war, where participants can't win. Not the Democrats, not the Republicans, not the nation, not the country, certainly not you. Only one person will skim the game: international financier. He's the toll on poverty. He is the laughing third, who's stuffing his pocket meanwhile you and your country is going down the sewer. Financially, morally, environmentally and the view of health as well. Just look at the native americans and the land of promise today. What money did with them? What financial groups have done to them? What democracy has did to it?

Trinity of existence

Once I've mentioned that the trinity is consist of spirit, mind and the body. Well spirit is not the best word, because of the conceptualazing mind. Soul is a little bit better. But, if I wanted to be really precise I'd say a formless energy of life. A part of the Big bluish Light of Life Essence. This part of the Light used the mind as a remote control for the body once upon a time. Unfortunately the mind has awakened to consciousness and taken over the control on both, the body and the soul. Now the soul is a slave of the mind, locked up into the prison of the body. The mind dragging the soul like a toy and whatever the mind want it transmits to your soul through your ego. Ego is a creation of mind. Whenever your soul want to ramble away or resists or finds a way to escape from this prison your mind bombs the Light with thoughts and scares the shit out of your ego which acts like a parasite on your Light and sheperds it back to under control of your mind. This is like our world nowadays. Once was down is up and what must be up is down now. So, the key to enlightenment is to realize that your mind, the former remote control, bosses not only your body now, but you, your Light as well. You can't be free and see the world as it is till you can't take the control back from your mind and showdown with your thoughts and the parasite ego of you too. That's why meditation is for. To get the trinity of existence back into the right position. It's like a counter palace revolution, when the pronounced dead king returns and cleans the perfidious people out of his chair. Claims the power and the presence back. That's what your soul should do. Obviously there are groups who love to keep this state forever and suppresses your Light, your real you and feed, encourage your ego to reinforce the physical prison for the soul. That's the direction where western civilizations are heading to with these endless earthly pleasures, thurifying comfort and the emphasizing chaotic expressions of egos. Yes, probably the reality can be horrifying to our soul, just like Neo saw it in the Matrix. But, do you want to spend your whole life in a physical prison, never even see the sunlight of pure Love or you are ready to take control of your own hand, claim the throne of veridical trinity back?

Monday, 8 September 2014

There is no coincidence

It's gonna be a little personal. Just as I've written about 'carpe diem' I found a book in the company car. Written by Dale Carnegie: How to stop worrying and start living. I was heading for a long trip as a passanger so I thought I give it a try. If he can't impress me within 20 pages I toss it away. You have to know for this that the hungarian translation of the title is very lame and you think about MLM and so forth. They call it Success Guide 2. He confirmed my belief that you have to stop looking back in the past or worrying about the unhappened future needlessly. You have to live in the moment and do what you can do now. Not later on. NOW. Then let it go. After I went to help to a lovely lady next door. When I finished the job she gave me a book and said: I know you like to read. You will might like this. The book is called Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Brilliant writing, I have to tell you. He is talking about the Now also. He explains why we can't get to a higher level, how our ego sets up traps for our real me and keep us in the prison of past and future. Meanwhile it hides the now from us only to justify its existence. Yesterday I visited my mom and I gave her a nice little sum, without she was asking me for it. Today morning I've got a message to my phone, "someone" topped it up. Yesterday I was looking for something for my friend on the internet. Whilst I was surfing on the net I've found a book I've been looking for more than 10 years now. I just want to tell you there are no coincidences in life and if you want to do something good to yourself do something good to someone else without expectations. Give only for the joy of giving. Give now. Not tomorrow. NOW.
Are you still here?

Sunday, 7 September 2014

DIY vs Pro

When you look at a finished product of a DIYer or a Pro there is only one difference. The DIYer couldn't make it right because of the lack of practice. So, s/he made the final look as it is unintentionally. The DIYer does it for oneself, thus s/he is keen to do it right. If s/he really want it to look neat time and cost does not count. The Pro however made the final look as it is with purpose, because of the lack of time. S/he has to run for the next place or start the next piece to feed his or her family. Pro can do it faster and because of experiences and practice s/he can do it better. But, if s/he can't make it first s/he does not really give a damn. Unless the problem is capital. The Pro always try to find the simplest and fastest way to finish something. The DIYer does not really give a damn how hard to get to the end. S/he wants the final look neat and the apperance should look like a pro did it. So, the only difference is how hard you want to approach Perfect.
What about you?

Friday, 5 September 2014

We are all blind

There was a woman in America, Borghild Dahl, an author who was born in 1890. Borghild had no sight in one eye and was legally blind in the other, yet became a teacher at the college level and an author. In her childhood she wanted to play hopscotch with the other children, but she couldn't see the lines. Thus, when all the kids left the school in the evening, she layed on the lines and crawled around on them. She chiseled the shape of that piece of land into her mind, memorizing every bits and pieces of it. Soon she became master of the game. Later on, she got a third level degree on Columbia University, she became a teacher in South Dakota and professor of journalism. She was teaching and publishing for thirteen years there. When she was 52 years of age she had a surgery on the famous Mayo Clinic. After more than half century of blindness, she was able to see way much better. A new, exciting and beautiful world has opened up for her. Now she even found fascinating if she could wash up the dishes. "I'm playing with the white foam in the sink. I immerse my hand in it and take a size of a small ball of bubbles. I hold it in the sunlight and I see the color of a lilliputian rainbow in every each of them." she said. As she looked up she seen sparrows flying by front of her window in the beautiful snowfall. She finished her fascinating book with the following words: "Dear Lord, I whisper, Our Father in Heaven, I thank Thee."
We should be ashamed of ourself. We could live in a lovely world, but we are blind and we could not see it. We are spoiled and could not enjoy it. If you want to give up worrying constantly and start to live for real this is my advice: keep track of the good things, but not your calamities.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Carpe diem

This is a very misunderstood Latin phrase. I see more and more humans living by the misinterpreted version of this code. It does not mean to live for the moment only and don't give a damn people around you, what they feel, how you hurt them just to be a selfish jerk. It does not mean to encourage yourself to do whatever you want and don't care about the consequences or don't take responsibilities for your acts. If you thought so for now, you thought wrong. Carpe diem more likely means bless today, live in the moment, be grateful for your life, be happy what you are, value what you have and make use of today. If you want to succeed your goals do something about it, but now. Stop nagging on events happened  in the past. Because you can't change the past. You know the phrase "don't cry over split milk". On the other hand "Don't ask (it's forbidden to know) what end the gods have given me or you". This is how Odes 1.11 starts, written by Horace, which Carpe diem is part of. That means stop, too, scanning future. Stop worrying about things that has not happen yet and may not ever will. So, why are you worrying about them? Focus on the present. Fulfill the moment, make use of it. Every second bed in health care is occupied by a person who has some kind of psychosomatic illness: hypertension, angina pectoris, ulceris and so on. If you constantly worrying on something you slowly kill yourself. If you live without care and responsibility someone else will kill you much sooner. So, if something occured in the past, happened to you or between you and someone else, put your burden down. If something has not happened yet, than why are you so concern about it. If you want to achieve a desired aim in your life the only time to do is the present. Otherwise you will live in the past or kill yourself before you see the future. So, move your fatty ass and live in the moment, seize the day.
How long you want to moaning about that grievance? How long you want to live in that failure? How long you want to procastinate that move? How much more you want to concern about your unhappened future yet?