Tuesday, 3 March 2015


This is the base of our life. This is the foundation for everything we do in our life. But, why humans are seeking for unity so bad? Why do you feel you have to belong to somewhere? Why do you feel so lonely? What I'm going to share with you is the secret of everything in life. This is the engine of Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. This is the driving force behind clubs, whether they are fan clubs, sport teams, etc. This is the basis of the ancient feeling to belong to a tribe. Unity. More precisely the seek of reunion. Why? because you are being tore out of the Whole. Every human soul is a form of light, a very high frequency. Taken out of the Whole to bring light, life, harmony an joy to the darkness. To rule the substance. You've been sent here by purpose. But human's souls feel lost and lonely in this dimension, in this medium. Therefore they are seeking, subconsciously, the reunion with their Creator, the Universal Intelligence. This is why you can be hoodwinked so easy by false unity. And this is also the reason why the ancient people didn't fear death. It was a salvation for their light-soul from this harsh and disgusting world back to the higher vibration level again. Back to the Source. Unfortunately modern people have adapted this world, this material dimension so  much that now they don't wanna die. Death, in this case, means they don't wan to leave their material form. Humans became part of this world insomuch that they don't rule it anymore, they merged in it.  Death is not a bad thing, unless you think that fake unity and attachments are the meaning of life. Why don't you understand that? Because people have been mesmerized by fake unities so badly during their lifetime that actually they believe they are the real ones, they made sense, they gave real meaning to their life meanwhile they are here on Earth. But they are so blind that they can't even recognize that those things are nothing compare to the Universal Intelligence which, originally, we are belonging to. And which makes them form those fake unities at the first place. That's why some people live their entire life in social network sites, some cling to other humans in their life, others again make attachment to their pets or in worse cases to their personal belongings. Some feel secure only if they can belong to a modern tribe, whether it be a football fan club, a dance school or just a simple bunch of stupid kid who regularly go to the beach to get drunk. If someone is able to see through those bullshits in life and able to realize that our Creator, the Universal Intelligence is all around us that one is never going to be lonely again, never feel the seek of attachments or insecure loves and won't fear death anymore. Foremost nobody will be capable to mislead you again with the glittering of false unity. This is the biggest secret of the life on this Earth. If you can understand this you are going to be one step closer to enlightenment.