They want their share from every single cent you make or get. So, they are not better than any criminal organization. Yes, couple of people say: "But, they make laws and regulations to make your life better." Hahaa! They force their own laws onto you to do what ever they want you to do. They protect you by Law Enforcment Organization. Really? Dozens of cops watching my back 24/7? And if you say sumtin like this, they will say, that you are disruptive, you are against laws, bla-bla-bla. Yes. You are disrupting their system. You are against their laws. But the point is the same. They want their share from everything you produce. Doesn't matter they were productive parts of that or not.
Friday, 11 December 2015
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Media is the biggest terror organization
If it is true that thoughts are nothing, but a really high frequency, which can create worlds, than media is the bigges terror organization, ever existed in human history. They constantly picking up negative, shocking or horrible stories (road accidents, robberies, burglaries, homicides, massacares, conflagrations, war, etc.) to suggest you that the world is a nasty place, you are not safe in your country, on the road, not even at home. After this you start thinking, worrying and creating negative thoughts about the world around you. With this you are shaping the world into a more vicious existence. Than they can say: We told you. BS. First they keep you in terror. Secondly they are turning this planet into HELL. Don't listen to them. Turn off your telly. Create positive thoughts. Focus on positive things and events in your life. Turn this hell TO HEAVEN.
Government don't want gunowners. Why?
Nothing personal. This is strictly business. You can't defend yourself. You can't revolt against them. AAAAND you can't protect yourself against them. Simply is this. Not because weapon is a dangerous thing. Weapon is only a tool and any tool can be a weapon. Depends how you use it. So, you are the threat factor. Thus every time sum seemingly idiot politician comes up with the idea to ban semi automatic weapons, guns and rifles than he is the showcase people, he is the speaking-tube of the government, which want to take the power of resistance out of your hand. They want to take away chance from you to defend your own butt. Because if you can't protect yourself and your loved ones than this is a great alibi to them to keep their Law Enforcement Organizations alive. Which is a billion dollar business every year only in the States alone. Plus they have the ability to CONTROL you. SUPREMELY.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Money and Energy
Watch this first!
Now ask yourself: are you productive thinker or are you in an energy dept by your wasting mindset?
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Where are we running to?
Our world is all about quickness nowadays. You continuously say: "I want this thing to be done quick. I want that now." You are speeding on the highway, because you have to get there fast. Your life is a constant running contest. Let me ask you sumtin. Where are you running to? In a hurry. To get nowhere. Fast. Do you have a dream? Do you know your life purpose? Do you know where are you heading in life? Then what the heck is this big hurry for? Slow down. Stop for a sec. You look like a scared herbivorous, running through bushes. If you don't know where are you running to, you never get there. If you don't know what are you running for, you will loose pace quickly. If you running through life, you more likely miss the opportunities they come into your way. So, stop for a little and ask from yourself: Why do you rush through life? Even if you have a life purpose it is going nowhere. You don't have to act like a running amok.
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Why Do We Fall?
In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written
“The kingdom of God is within man”
Not one man, nor a group of men, but in all men
In you, you the people
You the people have the power
The power to create machines
The power to create happiness
You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful
To make this life a wonderful adventure
(Charlie Chaplin: The Great Dictator Speech)
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Monday, 8 June 2015
Eyes are the mirror of the soul
Everybody knows this phrase. Yet, it seems to be nobody knows the real meaning of it in the Western Civilization. Perhaps I should use the word community instead of civilization. Because the definition of civilization presupposes some kind of intelligence and, by the dictionary, considered as the most advanced social development. However, western community has no clue about what is considered as a higher intelligence, tolerance and sensibility when they are talking about Muslims and their dress code. What I'm talking about?
What a depraved individual you must be if you have to cover the mirror of your soul. Western society have degraded women to a flesh and bones, or should I say skin and bones, kind of things. You, my ladies are nothing but a meat on a shelf a man can take and examine at closer look and pay for it if he likes what he sees. Ads, movies, music clips, tv series and the whole society is constantly confirming that it is no matter how dead you are inside, how decayed your soul and your moral inside, just keep up the fresh outlook and you good to go. What a lie! And you so blind, you can't even realize you've been screwed. Just as Jesus said. 2000 years gone by and you haven't changed a bit. You're so rotten inside for now that you wanna force Muslim societies to change their mind too.
Modesty and chastity are fundamental teachings of the Islam. I'm not talking about extremists who tend to interpreting the Noble Qur'an quite uniquely. To cover a Muslim woman's head, neck, shoulders and bosom is nothing to do with slavery and oppression. Quite the opposite is true. When you cover your body parts, mentioned before, and wearing loose garments you pushing your environment to judge you by your personality, character and actions. Most importantly you make it impossible to the society to sexualize you. A woman is then free to be who she is inside, and avoided from being portrayed as sex symbol and lusted after.
Making sex slaves by the "development of fashion and traditions"
Is this what you want? Do you want to be a piece of flesh? Do you want to be a sex object? As I see western women nowadays, they don't even know other aspects. Men think it is good that women drop their clothes off with ease. But then what has left for imagination? And how close is the next step when she will drop her clothes off for somebody else? Yet, you want her to be faithful. You see. You are even screwing yourself.
I remeber the time when burqa was very popular in the States as well.
I'm not pretty sure these girls are going to the beach or have just finished their shifts.
Can not be she mesmerizing, just because she didn't put her tits out?
Virgin Mary was wearing a hijab.
Then we should ban her portrait, because she sets a bad example?
Sunday, 24 May 2015
There is no perfect, only perfect, in this world
You can create a world. Actually, you create your own world. In this world, everything is perfect. At least, in your imagination there is. When you look at a thing in the material universe you want it to be perfect, as it is in your imagination. Thus there is no such thing as perfect. On the other hand there is only perfect thing in the universe, because everything has been created by the law of the universe, by the Supreme Universal Intelligence. Thus everything must be perfect. Including you. Then why is that so, that you constantly seeing the world and you want to change it, because you keep finding imperfection in it? You might got the wrong filter which through you watching the world. You just might have to do some fine tuning in your mind on your imagination.
Saturday, 4 April 2015
Worrying about your child is NOT love
When you are worrying about your child is NOT love. You would like to present this as a sign of love. But in reality is a fear from pain. You are afraid of that you will get a bad news, you will be a witness of a failure, you will be a victim of social stigmatizing. So, when you are worrying about your child because s/he is not at home at the agreed time, when you are worrying on an important event how s/he will perform, when you are worrying about what the society will think or say that s/he is a pothead than you actually fear of pain the certain object will cause to you. This is the fear from unbearable. The fear that you won't be able to handle the consequences. So, this is actually shows you that you are still not sure of yourself. Than you certainly giving too much credit to your earthly attachments, to your social position, to your reflection in others mind. That means your ego is bigger than your love yet and it making a fool out of you. Because you've believed for now you are not selfish. All the parents are selfish who actually worrying about their child.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
This is the base of our life. This is the foundation for everything we do in our life. But, why humans are seeking for unity so bad? Why do you feel you have to belong to somewhere? Why do you feel so lonely? What I'm going to share with you is the secret of everything in life. This is the engine of Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. This is the driving force behind clubs, whether they are fan clubs, sport teams, etc. This is the basis of the ancient feeling to belong to a tribe. Unity. More precisely the seek of reunion. Why? because you are being tore out of the Whole. Every human soul is a form of light, a very high frequency. Taken out of the Whole to bring light, life, harmony an joy to the darkness. To rule the substance. You've been sent here by purpose. But human's souls feel lost and lonely in this dimension, in this medium. Therefore they are seeking, subconsciously, the reunion with their Creator, the Universal Intelligence. This is why you can be hoodwinked so easy by false unity. And this is also the reason why the ancient people didn't fear death. It was a salvation for their light-soul from this harsh and disgusting world back to the higher vibration level again. Back to the Source. Unfortunately modern people have adapted this world, this material dimension so much that now they don't wanna die. Death, in this case, means they don't wan to leave their material form. Humans became part of this world insomuch that they don't rule it anymore, they merged in it. Death is not a bad thing, unless you think that fake unity and attachments are the meaning of life. Why don't you understand that? Because people have been mesmerized by fake unities so badly during their lifetime that actually they believe they are the real ones, they made sense, they gave real meaning to their life meanwhile they are here on Earth. But they are so blind that they can't even recognize that those things are nothing compare to the Universal Intelligence which, originally, we are belonging to. And which makes them form those fake unities at the first place. That's why some people live their entire life in social network sites, some cling to other humans in their life, others again make attachment to their pets or in worse cases to their personal belongings. Some feel secure only if they can belong to a modern tribe, whether it be a football fan club, a dance school or just a simple bunch of stupid kid who regularly go to the beach to get drunk. If someone is able to see through those bullshits in life and able to realize that our Creator, the Universal Intelligence is all around us that one is never going to be lonely again, never feel the seek of attachments or insecure loves and won't fear death anymore. Foremost nobody will be capable to mislead you again with the glittering of false unity. This is the biggest secret of the life on this Earth. If you can understand this you are going to be one step closer to enlightenment.
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Evolution of capitalism
In nature, evolution means species give answers for inputs from their environment. Thus they can adapt impacts better. Obviously this take place on a very long period of time. This is a continuous process. That means a constant innovation, progression, development or simply put improvement. Nature doesn't look for loopholes: "How can I make 1.000.000 new frogs with the better capabilities, but with less costs. People do. Especially who live in a society where is actually capitalism. Well capitalism was good for a while. It was modeling nature's evolution for a certain point. How can you invent better axe, sturdier shelters, more durable clothing, footwear, etc. Even in modern era that wasn't bad...But, from the middle of the 90's the evolution is not about improvement anymore. It's not about how you can make better washing machine, telly, computer or car. Now, when factories hiring engineers just to calculate how a specific part should have to worn out within 4 years in a certain product. It is not evolution anymore. It is degradation, declension, decline. After the nuclear age we have entered into the plastic age. And I feel with it everything has became so plastic, artificial, fake. The consumer goods, the cars, women (boobs, lips, nose, butt, etc.), relationships. So, our whole life reflecting the declension of the production, the society, the capitalism itself. We don't make cars for thirty years anymore. Who wants to drive a car for thirty years. We don't think about people with the same car for thirty years that finally he's settled. No, We think he's stuck, because he can't afford a new car. What a fuck for? If he's satisfied with that old one. Advertisements planting bugs in people's ear: you're gonna be sexier, get a bigger dick, etc. if you buy this new model. Which actually nothing better than the old one. It's quite the opposite: more plastic, more tiny shit what can break off, more electronics, which can go wrong all of a sudden. With one word: new things are shittier than previous ones. But the icing on 'em is so tempting that you hare to the closest dealer to get one. And this is going to be your life purpose if the declension of capitalism is keep going on this way. The more you have, the more you have to run, to keep that shitpile together and you will live your life like a running amok. You are going to be rush through life without, indeed, living it. Than, when you got home finally, you are watching plastic life on your plastic telly and wishing some of it for yourself...till the screen goes black.
The question is which one will get there sooner? Yours or your telly's?
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