Wednesday, 2 July 2014


Trade was simple at the beginning. You wanted something which was mine and I needed something what was yours and we made a deal. Bartering procedure got to the point when it wasn't that simple anymore. Procurators and monarchs wanted to regulate trade. They needed some unified measurement system for value just like it is for units. Phoenicians came up with the idea you need some small, valuable and long lasting thing to measure the value of other products on the market. You needed something like gold, silver, jewels or perhaps pearl. They are small so you can carry around. They are valuable because they don't depend on weather or seemingly on nothing. They last very long time. They looked ideal. The only problem was with such things they are very rare and not equally spreaded on Earth. Therefore if you found some you wanted to keep them. So, you needed something people can carry around instead. Money were invented. Emperors were happy, People were happy. No more argument on the marketplace. Yeah! You could say one pound of fig costs 1 shekel. One mule costs 70. So, if you want to buy a mule you have to give 70 pounds of fig or 70 shekel for it. But there is a big pitfall in this system. Gold, silver, jewels and pearl are just an other stuff you can sell or buy. And their value is nothing to do with the value of money. Seriously. I know you belive in this BS. But. In reality, money is not real. Money is only bookkeeping. Money is only a column between two stuff. Money is the biggest scam of the history of mankind. What people didn't realize by the centuries and thousands of years: who specifies the middle column?  You have no control over it. International financiers have. As money fabricated for converter purpose now it has a regulator role. Financier groups can ruin your life or an entire country with a stroke of a pen by such thing which is only an illusion.
How long you will be dazzled by this illusion yet?

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