I've posted a little thought about Everything remains. I have to rectify myself. No, it doesn't. In Mediveal Times, you payed one tax to your squire and 1/10 of your income to the 'Holy' Catholic Church. Today, I can't count how many taxes we pay already to city council and the government. Even there are such thing I can't swallow. For example when VAT was 25% in Hungary European Union was reproved the Hungarian Government that this is too high and they shouldn't do this. What government did? Those fuckers raised VAT up to 27%. I've heard that there is even a garage tax, imposed by city council of my hometown. WTF? Garage tax. If you bought a property and you built a garage on it, now you have to make a statement whether you have a garage. If you have one, you must pay. Under 20 sq m you don't even have an obligation to notify any buildings you raised from dust, referring to local construction regulations. Especially not if it is not residental. So, this is your property, your land. You build a garage on it to protect your car which was hard to buy and you don't want to ruin it within two years, than city council sends a letter to you and sniffing around. By what right? NONE of your business. And why do you have to pay tax for it? You already payed 27% VAT when you bought the materials to build that building. Wasn't enough greedy bastards? Your garage is not on public or council land, it doesn't obstruct anything, it doesn't pollute the environment. It does not do anything. It is just there on YOUR private property. So, how city council dare to ask you about it and impose tax for it???
When will you start questioning your higher autocracy yet?
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