Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Only a task

I've already wrote about problems, that they exist only till you pay attantion to them and they are as big as much you make them. Well, I have to be more precise, because the first part of the statement is misunderstandable. It doesn't mean you have to be a careless figure. It requires a different mindset. When you say you have a problem that sounds you can't handle what you've got. You think this is over your skills and capability. Thus you determinate and restrict your mind that you really can't do that and the specific thing get to the point when it will overgrow you. So, the correct name is for such bumpy situations or people in your life is TASK. I've got a task. Not a problem. Only a task, I have to solve it. And no worries, you always get just as much as you can solve, believe it or not. So, it might seem a little bit difficult or tricky to solve, handle or outcome, but that's the purpose of life. To always learn new things, to develop, to become more. First you may get it from the wrong side. Than the task will disappear for a while in your life and you will get it again later on when you look more grewn to the task. It can be also a situation that you getting the same task over and over again till you finally move your ass and come up with the right solution. And the less you want to move your ass, or actually your brain, the more you get such task in your life. Those person who constantly moaning about one specific thing in their life - or maybe about a buncha - they will be bombed with millions of that kinda task. Till they don't figure out the problem is their own idiot mindset. Actually the first part of the statement is correct in an other way. If you don't pay attantion, which actually means, you don't make a problem out of the situation then it will vanish. I tell you an example, if you constantly moaning about people in the traffic how stupid they are, you will get thousand of them every single day. Just to teaxh you for patient and to help you realize YOU are the idiot. So, say it again loud: it is only a task.
Are you ready to solve it? Are you ready to learn new knack? Are you willing to become more?
Or you are just an other moaning incompetent, gutless prick with no balls??? Your call.

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