Sunday, 12 October 2014

You are an electrical consumer. Shame on you

When I was writing about love and relationship I figured what is the major problem with nowadays societies, people and relationships. If everything is simply energy on this planet, vibrates on a certain frequency than humans are not the superconductors of positive energy (love, vital energy) anymore, but an electrical consumers. You are not helping to the vital energy to spread all over this planet, you are consuming love. You became an energy-vampire. You are sucking the life out of this planet, of other humans and finally of yourself. I agree, energy is constant. But positive energy is not. When two different energy sources meet their waves, their frequencies interfere. If they are on the same frequency level (e.g. both of them are positive) they amplify each others. If not...well, you see positive energy is not constant. And as humanity goes I don't believe we have so much positive energy left. The task is given. We have to turn this process back. The difficulty is that modern societies boost the damn egos of humans so much that is really hard to turn back people from being a consumer to a superconductor of love. Because living life by your ego is comfy, your ego doesn't want to give up its royal position. But, being part of a way much bigger goal than your ego's little games is absolutely stunning. You never will get so much joy, good feeling and grace, than when you are a superconductor of positive energy of the universe. Your ego's shitty bijous won't give as much happiness to you as much the feeling can give you when the positive energy (love) is flowing through your every bodycell and you can share it with your environment. So, stop listening to your ego. Your ego leads you into a dead end. Give up your self-pity and open your heart. Are you really in such a miserable situation, because daddy didn't buy a new iPhone 6, or a tablet, or a brand new BMW to you? Ahw, poor little baby! Poor little shitpile. There are people on this planet who are dying of thirst, because they have no access to potable water and you are moaning about some shit electronic gadget, which you would toss in to the corner of your room after half year anyway, because it's already old. Stop squeaking about your misery. Do you really think you're gonna be happy only if you get that bloody new toy? For how long? One month, one week, one day? What will be the next you insatiable, self-pitying twat? And the shame is you are doing this to humans as well. You are draining your surroundings emotionally too. Just because you think you are the only one who suffers on this planet and the most. Can't you see that you are the source of your problems and depriving other humans of vital energy won't change your suffer. Let alone those gizmos. When you will stop being the consumer, the energy-vampire, the squeaking bitch and change your mindset finally? When you will kill your ego at least and overcome your misery? Don't blame on me, talking like this. Blame on your own ego, who feels offended. That is the cause of your suffer. That is the source of your consumer existing. That is the obstacle of you are unable of giving love, just consuming it.

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