Saturday 30 September 2017

Eternal war

There are light and darkness. If I put my hand against the light it can create shadow, a form of darkness. But darkness isn't capable of creating light. That's why it is inferior. Also, light is essential for life. Yet, too much light can kill. So, meanwhile light is the key of life, also there is a kind of darkness in it: darkness brings death with itself. Probably that's why humanity have a certain amount of fear from darkness. However, darkness has it own good features too. You need to rest every day. And it's better when its dark. The level of your Melatonin hormone raises when is getting dark, preparing your body for rest. Therefore darkness is essential for the freshening cycle of the body. Without it you would be pretty fucked up after a couple of days. The immune system of animals and humans need complete darkness every day for a few hours, otherwise you will get sick. Cancer cells do not grow in total darkness. 
As you can see both of them have some from the other. And they are very similar. Yet, because darkness can not bring light and life alone into our world it must be jealous of light in myths. Even if it is "jealous" of light and the life it brings forth it can't kill it, because without light there would be no life to be jealous of. But, the word jealous is a stupid thing. It is only for the description of the cycle as our Sun sets and raises on the horizon. And if it was undisturbed for a few billion years, hopefully it will be for another few. Thus, this is an eternal war from a human perspective between light and darkness.

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