Saturday 30 September 2017

War between material and spiritual world

There is, this called, western civilization. It's represents and promoting material centered believes, mindset, goods and their supremacy. On the other hand there is the group of more spiritual countries. Like the Middle East. Where people know they have to take care of their soul, they have to protect it from temptations of the material world. That's why a woman must wear chador, burka or at least a hijab to hide their beauty (well, more precisely the meat, they've got), given by the material world and captivate the man's heart with her spirit and mind. But, both of them are wrong. How? Because they left out Mind from the sacred triangle. The Mind what should keep the balance. I'm talking about the PURE MIND, not the infected one by your ego. Here lies the root of all bad. You are not realizing certain contexts or coherency in this universe. Thus you can't see the WHOLE. Why? Because your material you and your mind, infected by your ego, which illusions your loneliness and separation from the Whole, can see things only from the perspective of certain location. Which is good for territorial leaders. They can blur furthermore your vision and your mind by this restricted view of the world and take over control. Than they can say there is your enemy. Although they are your other missing half. You've just never realized the wholeness. Because the feeling of separateness was deepened continuously by your leader, to gain control over you.
There was a time before Christian Kingdom of Hungary were leaders of the Hungarian tribes was chosen by their capabilities to keep the balance between each element of the sacred triangle. Matter, Spirit and Mind. They had to bear a clear mind, be a spiritual leader and navigate through material temptations or treats of ego. That was a hard thing. It was even harder to find the next heir to the throne. Even if you found him, the infected Western World was working on his falling, driven by envy, anger or just pure viciousness. No surprise that they extinct by the XIV. century. Now there are those greedy, corrupt and rotten to the bones politicians whom I can trust no more. There are those spiritual leaders whose vision blurred or bedimmed by power, whom I want to be no guided by. 
You must realize that separation never happened. It is an illusion they try to seed into you to feel yourself lonely and defeat you easier, one by one. Finally you will find yourself on a battlefield of an insane war which never come to an end, because you can't destroy your other half. It's like a coin try to perish itself just because it doesn't like the print on the other side of the silver. This is a form of suicide. What you can not do. You can not demolish the temple what not belong to you.

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