Monday, 30 June 2014

Convincing yourself

People are so good at it. You can convince yourself about the stupidest thing that is good for you. Actually not you who's doing this. Your ego. Your ego evolved when your real you wasn't tough enough to survive on this planet. Than the ego took control and made all the tough decisions instead of your inner you, your real you. By time, ego stayed and started to govern your decisions, your conclusions. Human being was a naked ape on a planet where every creature has a really good self-protection ability, some of them could even attack humans. Therefore he constantly needed a better place to stay, better tools to do the tasks, better weapon for defense or to kill, etc. Prehistorical man lived indeed in a very insecure, comfortless and dangerous environment. Thus he wanted stability, comfort and peace. So, your ego remained and have been whispering to your mind since. Nowadays this control manifests in your consuming habits too. 'Life is an endless survival fight.' Your ego tells this to your peaceful inner you. So, your ego will be able to convince your tranquil you all the time, that you need that new gizmo. Whether the ads state so, that your life is uncomplete without it, your are defenseless without it, your life will be more comfortable with it or simply just someone else (a competitor) has got one already and you are fallen behind. That's why humans, more precisely their ego, are always good at to convince themself, to that new stuff is necessary and they have to rush to the shop and get one.
When do you stop listening to your ego and live peacefully? When will you realize that life is not a fight, you make it so?

Sunday, 29 June 2014

How to loose weight

There is no such a thing like magic diet or a machine that will melt the fat down without you moving your ass. Neither to eat this shit or that and they burn the fat. If you believe in those things you probably missed biology classes in school or you are really that stupid. You shall resent my language. You have weak will. If you really want to get rid of that jelly-belly you need to do three things.
First stop worrying on everything. As I said before, mentally stressful situations are releasing Cortisol and make you craving high carbs. So, what you can change, change it. What you can't, learn to let go. Learn from Buddhists how to transform your thoughts, how to relax and how to meditate or just simply don't give a damn anymore.
Secondary cut high carbs and sugar out of your diet. No more extra large Diet Coke. Why the heck do you need that poison at the first place? In 1900 the avarage sugar consumption was 3,5 kg/person/year in Hungary. Today this data is 35 kg!!!
Last, but not least. Move your bloody ass hard. If you do heavy work for eight to ten hours a day you can eat anything. When I say hard work I mean physical work. By hand. No more machines, no more sitting and chatting. There is no miracle without you put effort in it.
To do these things first you need strong will. This is the magic recipe. Are you tough enough?

Feast caveman

Cavemen didn't store food. When it was plenty they eat it. When sources were scarce, they starved. When hunters were fortunate and killed a big beast, like a mammoth, the whole tribe was feasted of it. Therefore the common eating is inherent in every social event today. The leftover went back to Mother Nature. Ten thousand years ago, the invention of agriculture has changed everything.  Complete cognitive revolution was necessary. But our brain remained the same. Human brain is approximately one million years old. Or at least evolution-belivers say so. Compare the last ten thousand years to it is nothing. That's why lots of people can't manage their income. They live from paycheck to paycheck or they are already heavily in debt. The same old mindset is the reason why 90% of lottery winners spend all the money within a year and a half. Your brain is a caveman's mind. Especially in financial matters. There is a wrong software running. No worries. You can change that software by three things. Learning, compulsion and changing habits. You can learn from your parents or in the school. Both of them are fucked up in modern societies. So, forget it. Compulsion is good. The only problem that noone else want to change these things. Is it the interest of the banks? Or the government? Or your employer? Forget it. A well-indepted person does not rebel, very happy to has a job and shots up. He pays the mortgage, banks are thriving. A meek man, held at bay, comes in handy for everyone. There is only one thing left. Change your habits. Horace Mann said once: " Habit is like a rope, a new batch of fiber is added every day and it soon becomes nonrupturable." If you forming good habits, they can operate and take the results. Habits are rooted in practice - and not on intuitively wrong way of thinking. Plan once what you want. Reasonably. Act by the plan. Be consistent. Be responsible and finally you will get out that lukewarm shit, you are in at the moment.
When you will stop feasting finally and put some in the fridge for later on?

They distress you

Prehistorical man had lots of enemy. When some kind of stressor appeared on horizon stress came with it. Actually stress is good till a certain level. Stress puts your body in alert mode and induces a lots of physical and chemical reactions in your body, to survive a stressful situation. In order to accomplish this your muscles need plenty of carbs. A steroid hormone responsible to boost that kind of  fuel into the bloodstream and deliver it to muscles, called Cortisol. The problem is your body doesn't know the difference between a life-threatening physical situation and a mentally stressful situation. So, whenever you are mentally stressed, your Cortisol level raises and gives you this craving feeling for high carb foods, like pastry, pizza, burger, all the sweets, pasta and even bread. This happens because carbs are present in your body only for a short period of time. They either deflate the body in your urine or your body turns them into fat and store it. The problem is that fat is a long term fuel for your body and it's harder to activate than any kind of sugar/carbs. So, when your body needs quick energy it needs sugar or carb. Thus you will get this feeling to eat high carb foods and drink soda. The problem is that such a diet spike your blood sugar level and it fucks your body up on long term. Furthermore blood sugar related to other hormones as well, like adrenalin and Insuline. But the catch-22 is that Cortisol not only boosts sugar into your blood, but regulates its level. Nevertheless when Cortisol is present you will eat again, cause you feel stressed and your body want to prepare itself for the situation. So, circle closed up. You fucked. The other 'funny' thing is, beside that this kind of diet causes hormone problems, that a lots of sugar dehydrate you. To get back to normal blood sugar level your body needs water to flood sugar out of your veins. That's why you see young fellas go to the shop hyperactive and buy more soda. Even old folks are getting into this vicious circle. Unfortunately the only way out is to the cemetery. You have to learn how to relax and meditate. Otherwise you're gonna be so screwed that medical system will treat you for the rest of your life. This is the nicest thing of all. The group of people who control the mass distress you. You craving for junk food and soda drink. They sell them to you. They ruin your body by them. Then they treat you for a good pile of chips. Nicely done.
When you will learn how to let go insignificant things and relax?

Comparing yourself

Every people doing this on the planet. Whether they confess it or not. Comparing yourself to other individuals is a good and developing thing. You can see through this method on which field you need progress. It is useful not only in a learning process from elders, but also shows you where are your weak points compare to others. For example to become a more succesful hunter you have to be more patient or persistent. You not only learn the skills and tricks from your older teacher, but look at him how he implements those knacks. This is how it worked in ancient times and this is how it works today on all other fields of life. So, comparing yourself is a good thing, is a useful thing and is a necessary thing for developing, to be more succesful. That's how evolution works.
But. When fear comes in a game, than you fuck up the all thing. How? For example when you are in a learning process and you fail over and over again, than you feel frustrated, disappointed and you feel you might never become such a great man like your teacher. Fear is arising. 'What the tribe will think? OMG, this is so embarrissing.' You feel humiliated. Then your ego orients this fear and all the other feelings either towards outsiders, like your teacher or your tribe, or against you. In that case you turn on yourself, become depressive or at least shy. You may not ever try new things in life, because you will fear failure. The other way when you turn your disappointment outwards. Perhaps you feel anger, hate, envy, etc. and you turn these destructive feelings to your environment. Than you make mistake. The teacher might not was alert enough that the certain learning method does not fit you, but your fiasco is not his fault entirely. You should have realized that as well and change things or if you are not sure of yourself tell the teacher to adjust something. But, here is the other problem. Teachers are always socially recognised and respectful persons. Thus you don't dare to say a word about there is something wrong. Anyway you trust his wisdom. And here we are, two fucked up people in the tribe already. The teacher who can't pass his knowledge and a prentice full with anxiety, destructive thoughts and energy. Well done.
The other weak point of comparing is who are you comparing yourself. Modern societies, gangs and even small communities give you so many fucked up role models and suggest you that these are the best of the best, this is the way how the tribe will recognises you and embrace you that finally you believe it. Youth don't know they getting false idols. They just want to become a tribe-member desperately.
Comparing is good. Comparing can stimualte you. The question is: are you comparing yourself to the right person? Are you comparing or copying? When do you cease trying to be an other person in your own life?

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Women want more

In nature, the female chooses from males around her. Males are exhibitionists or hunters. Thus there are two ways to catch a woman. Either you have to be attractive or your bait. The first thing is like Brad Pitt. You can never beat that male. Or any kind of male from an ad. You don't have 6 packs, unless in the fridge. Your female never heard those guys fart or burp. So, when they gonna be fed up with you they just swap you for a more attractive one or if they really love you they might put some effort in to change you. If you want to keep that woman better move your ass. The other thing is the bait. Fishermen know that it's all about the right bait. For example a huge, comfy house or a super expensive car equal: 'Catch ya bitch.' Women always want a comfy, safe home. Big enough for their gatherer instinct. If a man could fuck a woman in a cardboard box he wouldn't buy house. So, men have to show off because of women. Your dad have to change the car because your mom said to him that the neighbor's got a brand new one and its size is double yours. They could fit grandchildren too and all their stuff in such a car when they come visit them and go to the beach together. How super would be that? Isn't George? George? That's why more than 80% of the ads are being made for women nowadays, because THEY want more. They are gatherers. When do you realise ladies that the scrimpy stone age is gone now?

Ads command

Ads command you what to do. This is against free will. Of course you say: 'I can resist'. Yes, you think so. But these ads usually are being delivered in a sweet. Just like when you give bitter medicine to your dog in his favorite titbit. These desserts are always connect to some kind of subconscious label in your mind in a certain way you feel 'Yes, it's good for me'. Ergo they trick your conscious mind. They sneak behind its defend system without you recognising the screwing fact. They work so well that even when you have no money you want to buy that thing. No worries if you have no money, the banks loan some for you...for some extra chips. But, it's ok. The only thing which count in the big picture is you are happy. You got your stuff. No, you screwed up like Pavlov's dog. You silly mu. I tell you three examples. One is when they want you to buy something. First of all you have to understand the buying process is a game. At the end, you have to feel you won the game and the other party is the looser. So, they serve the ad on that way you feel this is worth it even for a dummy. The other method to get you buy something is when they send a message to your ego 'Hm, is gonna be good for you'. Then your selfish me run to the shop like a kid to the candy van. The second screwing process is when something which is dear to your heart is the bait. Your favorite team, starving kids, sheltered dogs, etc. Than you can't resist. Especially when your team is at stake. Why? I've already explained this in Belong to a tribe post. The third trick is when they say 'Play with us and win.' Who a heck can resist to get something totally free? Oh, you just have to sign here, register there and give us your personal details aaaand here we go. And they know right away up there that you are the silliest mu. You obey. You are a good citizen. Good boy. Here is your titbit...just one more roll over your back...Oh, yeah...belly is some cheap fake shit. When you will resist to commands yet? When you stop acting like Pavlov's dog? When you become a man with free will finally as you suppose to be?

Friday, 27 June 2014

Belong to a tribe

As I said humans are instinct creatures. In ancient times this naked ape formed tribes. You remember? He was scared and because strenght in numbers, he formed tribes with others. This instinct is still with us today. Okay, we don't call it tribe anymore. We call it Yale, Harvard, Berkley, Oxford, Cambridge, New York Yankees, LA Lakers, MU, Liverpool and so on. And just like ancient times these tribes are still rivals. Nike vs. Adidas, BMW vs. Mercedes, VW vs. Opel, rich vs. poor, well tailored vs. homeless, this forum vs that forum, Facebook vs Twitter, FTC vs UTE, etc. Now, not even easy to get into a tribe. It's not a bornright anymore. You have to fight for it, spend a lot of money for it. Just because your own fear telling you: if you left out you are an outcast, you are weak. If you are already in the tribe you fight for it aaand spend a lot of money for it. Just because your own fear telling you: if your tribe left out of the big game you are damned, weak and anyway the other tribe is stronger. It's a never-winning game.
Don't you realize people that the financial groups skim you of just to letting you into the tribe, keep you in the tribe and keep your tribe in the game? Then generate hate between tribes? Divide et impera is on?

Exterminate you fear from

Back in time, when humans were nothing but a less hairy ape lots of thing could scare the living crap out of this hopeless and defenceless creature. The apeman has no big fangs nor claws, didn't produce venom and wasn't the strongest or the fastest predator on the planet. Therefore he wanted to exterminate everything what was stronger, bigger, faster, smarter or more poisonous than his fucked up, insecure mind. He used every instrument to get rid of competitors. He used mimicry to mystify enemies. He joined force to kill the other living thing. He armed himself with tools and weapons. And when nothing was enough in a face to face combat he turned to the sneakiest bastard and put his stone axe into anything's back (or head) with ease.
Thousands of years later humans are no different. This fucked up, naked ape is the same sneaky bastard, if not worse. Women wearing high heels and push up bras to take an advantage to their competitors. Doing make up and wearing tricky clothes to look more attractive. Men are the same: 'If I'm small and weak I need big car and pumped up biceps or at least friends with same qualities. A big gun. I said BIG. Bigger. Oh, and more. Strenght in numbers.' If it doesn't work call the lawyers and hide behind stupid laws and paragraphs and kill (minimum perish) everybody and everything what crosses his path.
An example: there are parents, who are divorcing. If one of the parents fears from the other, for some stupid reason, than that divorcement is gonna be ugly. Because s/he wants to exterminate the other. S/he might think the kids love the other one more or they going to move to the other parent for good. Then war begins.
Can you imagine if human race met with aliens for real? They would kill the poor bastard before it could sneeze one on this planet. And this is sad. Thousands of years are gone and we didn't change a freckle. We couldn't overcome our fear, we couldn't strip of our primal survival instinct and see ourself from above, objectively. When we will realize that our own fear will kill us once not our fictional enemies?

Panem et circenses

The latin quote means bread and circuses. People who got control over the mass realized that they can keep in square most of the naked apes just to giving them enough food and some entertainment. Even they can get money for these graces. Than an obedient citizen will be quiet and don't disturb their plan. That's how instinct creature still are most of the humans. Sad. And these zombies are dreaming about freedom and true love front of a telly or over a romantic book. Hahaa! What the heck would you do with that freedom? You would crawl back to your telly watching chair and beg for food from your master soon. Whilst your master selling the house round you. The house is a symbol in this case. It stands for your real house, for your country and finally for the whole planet. Humans are like a really bad guard dog. They see a smiling stranger with a huge marrowbone hanging in his hand and let him in for a little tapping and they even chewing the bone happily while the stranger is taking everything away. Couple of days back I've got a leaflet. Twelve pages. Big pages like a daily newspaper. Five out of twelve showed tellies. Plasmas, LEDs, HDs, Full HDs, UHDs, etc. Nearly half of the leaflet contained such a thing you don't need. You go to the shop, give your hardly earned money away, get your new telly, go home, set it up and sit down front of it, getting junk food, your kids become lil evils because you don't give a damn about 'em, the goverment sell your country to international companies and financial groups, then these groups selling your house over your head and you still remain and stare that freckin' entertainment box with a bowl of junk food on your lap. You are not even your forefathers' shadow. You are not alive, you are a braindead slave...and you want rights?

Fear is

Fear is not real.

The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future.

It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist.

That is near insanity.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Circle of Life

When you look around in nature you will see phi geometry or a golden ratio everywhere, which looks like this:
When you look at this image in 3D, you will see a whirlpool or a vortex. Like this:
This is an effect when you swirl your drink in your glass then taking your spoon out of it. As time pass by the whirlpool quites down. Now...what if you could swirl this vortex from the bottom and keep swirling? Than you could get something like this:
This is a double vortex. What goes into on the top in spiral comes out at the bottom, also in spiral movement. This is an image how a group of scientists imagening black holes. They say that at one side of a black hole matter thickens and disappears in the black hole and this matter appears on the other side of the vortex while it expands. If our universe is expanding thus we are the "other" side of a gigantic black hole.

Some people went further and say that these two vortexes are connected not only at their narrowest point, but on their other side as well. Through a mantle. As matter slowing down meanwhile moving in a widening spiral on the bottom part the sucking force of the upper vortex constrains this matter to move upwards. When matter reaches the wide, red part it speeds up and moves towards the center of the upper vortex. This system looks something like this:
They call it torus vortex. Sometimes the miracle happens inside the vortex. Now, why this is so important? It is crucial to understand that EVERYTHING is based on this movement, because this is the Circle of Life. And that's why you can't label anything good or bad. It's impossible. Everything is only part of this circle . A simple example: a tree is growing. Its stem is the middle of the torus vortex. Leaves coming out of nowhere. The tree is just getting bigger and bigger. Autumn comes. Leaves fall of. They become hummus. The tree takes up hummus and growing further. You see. That's the Circle of Life and this is a true miracle. From a lifeless matter, through the stem of vortex, life sprouted. Is the autumn bad, just because the tree falls its leaves? This is not good nor bad. It's just a fact. A necessary thing to drive life further. And beause everything is flowing around in the system you can't say this or that is good or bad. They are only in a temporary position in the system. A good example comes from Celtic myths. Here is an image how ancient Celts visualized the Circle of Life:
They called it Knot of Life or Tree of Life. You can see the whirlpool in the stem or if you like it so the "sign of miracle". Here is another one on a Celtic drum. Even they changed the color of the vines on the mantle of the vortex, symbolize that is something which is invisible for a human or at least not solid, more likely ethereal, but it's happening. That's for sure.

Are you still thinking inside a box?

No more labeling

There is no such thing good or bad. Until you label it so. The moment you label something you have feelings and memories about it. So, you've attached to it. Plus when you label something good and bad you deviding the whole. When you devide something you stultify that matter, because you are taking part of it away. Do you remember the old roman saying: Divide et impera? It is the same on everything in the whole system. So, stop labeling things. That's how the group who controls the mass control us too. Meanwhile a skinhead has a problem with "ausländer", an american with arabs, Christian with muslim, republican with democrat, white with black and so on and vice versa than the laughing third will take control over all of you people. You see how easy to fuck you up? Hate blinds you. The moment you don't give a damn who's black, muslim or democrat, the laughing third can't take advantage of you. The moment you don't give a fuck who has a bigger plasma telly, house or car, the oligarchs can't milk you.
C'mon man! Really? The bigger car you have, the bigger dick you get?

Love vs. Fear

If you trace back all the emotions, a human being generates, there are nothing, but love and fear. Love is a creating power in our known universe. Fear is the destructive side of the coin. When you are fell in love with someone you are creative. You feel free beside that person. Your released conscious makes you do things you wouldn't do anyway, because of the fear from social expectations or limits. When you are fell in love with someone you want to reproduce yourself (create both of you again). When the object of your love is something, you also feel free to do that thing, you feel joy, you feel love towards it because it creates love in you, which makes you creative. Love brakes down walls in your mind. That's why you feel joy and that's how you become more creative. Because there is no fear in your mind anymore...or at least for  while.
Fear is on the other hand holds you back, builds walls in your conscious mind and in society too, creates anger, anxiety, hate, aggression, violence. So, this is the negative pole of the Whole. Funny how english shows you that the Whole is nothing...a hole. There is no material, but frequency. Back to our subject. Even love can turns into fear and become destructive. When fear arises that the subject of our love grown over us or we going to loose it than we willing to destroy it. This is an other interesting human behaving I'm going to talk next time.
After all we can say so love and fear are the two endpoints of our system. That's how everything is connected to everything and that's why everything can turn to its opposite. This is the way how our system is trying to stay in balance. Our society is going towards the destructive one in peresent days. The question is when we will reach the endpoint when it will fall back in its opposite?