Thursday, 26 June 2014

Circle of Life

When you look around in nature you will see phi geometry or a golden ratio everywhere, which looks like this:
When you look at this image in 3D, you will see a whirlpool or a vortex. Like this:
This is an effect when you swirl your drink in your glass then taking your spoon out of it. As time pass by the whirlpool quites down. Now...what if you could swirl this vortex from the bottom and keep swirling? Than you could get something like this:
This is a double vortex. What goes into on the top in spiral comes out at the bottom, also in spiral movement. This is an image how a group of scientists imagening black holes. They say that at one side of a black hole matter thickens and disappears in the black hole and this matter appears on the other side of the vortex while it expands. If our universe is expanding thus we are the "other" side of a gigantic black hole.

Some people went further and say that these two vortexes are connected not only at their narrowest point, but on their other side as well. Through a mantle. As matter slowing down meanwhile moving in a widening spiral on the bottom part the sucking force of the upper vortex constrains this matter to move upwards. When matter reaches the wide, red part it speeds up and moves towards the center of the upper vortex. This system looks something like this:
They call it torus vortex. Sometimes the miracle happens inside the vortex. Now, why this is so important? It is crucial to understand that EVERYTHING is based on this movement, because this is the Circle of Life. And that's why you can't label anything good or bad. It's impossible. Everything is only part of this circle . A simple example: a tree is growing. Its stem is the middle of the torus vortex. Leaves coming out of nowhere. The tree is just getting bigger and bigger. Autumn comes. Leaves fall of. They become hummus. The tree takes up hummus and growing further. You see. That's the Circle of Life and this is a true miracle. From a lifeless matter, through the stem of vortex, life sprouted. Is the autumn bad, just because the tree falls its leaves? This is not good nor bad. It's just a fact. A necessary thing to drive life further. And beause everything is flowing around in the system you can't say this or that is good or bad. They are only in a temporary position in the system. A good example comes from Celtic myths. Here is an image how ancient Celts visualized the Circle of Life:
They called it Knot of Life or Tree of Life. You can see the whirlpool in the stem or if you like it so the "sign of miracle". Here is another one on a Celtic drum. Even they changed the color of the vines on the mantle of the vortex, symbolize that is something which is invisible for a human or at least not solid, more likely ethereal, but it's happening. That's for sure.

Are you still thinking inside a box?

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