Every people doing this on the planet. Whether they confess it or not. Comparing yourself to other individuals is a good and developing thing. You can see through this method on which field you need progress. It is useful not only in a learning process from elders, but also shows you where are your weak points compare to others. For example to become a more succesful hunter you have to be more patient or persistent. You not only learn the skills and tricks from your older teacher, but look at him how he implements those knacks. This is how it worked in ancient times and this is how it works today on all other fields of life. So, comparing yourself is a good thing, is a useful thing and is a necessary thing for developing, to be more succesful. That's how evolution works.
But. When fear comes in a game, than you fuck up the all thing. How? For example when you are in a learning process and you fail over and over again, than you feel frustrated, disappointed and you feel you might never become such a great man like your teacher. Fear is arising. 'What the tribe will think? OMG, this is so embarrissing.' You feel humiliated. Then your ego orients this fear and all the other feelings either towards outsiders, like your teacher or your tribe, or against you. In that case you turn on yourself, become depressive or at least shy. You may not ever try new things in life, because you will fear failure. The other way when you turn your disappointment outwards. Perhaps you feel anger, hate, envy, etc. and you turn these destructive feelings to your environment. Than you make mistake. The teacher might not was alert enough that the certain learning method does not fit you, but your fiasco is not his fault entirely. You should have realized that as well and change things or if you are not sure of yourself tell the teacher to adjust something. But, here is the other problem. Teachers are always socially recognised and respectful persons. Thus you don't dare to say a word about there is something wrong. Anyway you trust his wisdom. And here we are, two fucked up people in the tribe already. The teacher who can't pass his knowledge and a prentice full with anxiety, destructive thoughts and energy. Well done.
The other weak point of comparing is who are you comparing yourself. Modern societies, gangs and even small communities give you so many fucked up role models and suggest you that these are the best of the best, this is the way how the tribe will recognises you and embrace you that finally you believe it. Youth don't know they getting false idols. They just want to become a tribe-member desperately.
Comparing is good. Comparing can stimualte you. The question is: are you comparing yourself to the right person? Are you comparing or copying? When do you cease trying to be an other person in your own life?
The other weak point of comparing is who are you comparing yourself. Modern societies, gangs and even small communities give you so many fucked up role models and suggest you that these are the best of the best, this is the way how the tribe will recognises you and embrace you that finally you believe it. Youth don't know they getting false idols. They just want to become a tribe-member desperately.
Comparing is good. Comparing can stimualte you. The question is: are you comparing yourself to the right person? Are you comparing or copying? When do you cease trying to be an other person in your own life?
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