There is no such a thing like magic diet or a machine that will melt the fat down without you moving your ass. Neither to eat this shit or that and they burn the fat. If you believe in those things you probably missed biology classes in school or you are really that stupid. You shall resent my language. You have weak will. If you really want to get rid of that jelly-belly you need to do three things.
First stop worrying on everything. As I said before, mentally stressful situations are releasing Cortisol and make you craving high carbs. So, what you can change, change it. What you can't, learn to let go. Learn from Buddhists how to transform your thoughts, how to relax and how to meditate or just simply don't give a damn anymore.
Secondary cut high carbs and sugar out of your diet. No more extra large Diet Coke. Why the heck do you need that poison at the first place? In 1900 the avarage sugar consumption was 3,5 kg/person/year in Hungary. Today this data is 35 kg!!!
Last, but not least. Move your bloody ass hard. If you do heavy work for eight to ten hours a day you can eat anything. When I say hard work I mean physical work. By hand. No more machines, no more sitting and chatting. There is no miracle without you put effort in it.
To do these things first you need strong will. This is the magic recipe. Are you tough enough?
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