Saturday 13 September 2014


Your problems are exist as long as you create them. Your problems are as big as much you care of them. The moment you stop creating and feeding your problems by visualizing them in the unknown and not existing future they will disappear. The moment you let the future go and not thinking about the non-existing future your life is going to become clear. Your problems are falling apart, because there is no existing dimension for them in your mind anymore. What creates your problems? Your destructive thoughts. Whether they are concern, hate, anger, etc. They are the creator of your problems and the frame of your own torcher device. So, forget about your past. You can't change it. You can only learn from it. That's why I said history education is bad. At least as they do it at the present and what they are focusing on. They only generate hate between nations. Your future is not exist. Actually there is no future at all. I mean a static one. Obviously if you don't let your annoying thoughts go away you justify yourself by determinating your future. Then you can say: " You see, I was right." But, if you clear the future up from your mind and live in the present you can always change it. So, stop chewing on the past and forget to think about the next bite. Focus on the present bite of your life. The moment you are able to still your mind you are able to think clearly and solve your problem. Gather the facts and knowledge you need to make a decision. Accept the worst case scenario, then let it go. After all do the most you can do in that case NOW than forget it. Go to sleep and say to your mind shut the fuck up, I did the best, now leave me alone.
Are you still annoying on some BS?

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