Saturday 13 September 2014

Why democracy is useless?

Ordenary peoply confusing promiscuity with freedom in democracy. They think they can do whatever shit they want, don't care about hurting others or the environment around. They call this freedom. They also think democracy is all about this falsely sensed freedom, which is promiscuity in real. What kind of freedom you have in modern democracy? You can chose from among two hypocritical party who pull stronger for four years one end of the rope. Hypocrites, who don't give a fuck about the will of nation (that what democracy literally means in greek). Superrich fuckers who cares only about their own wealth, prosperity and safety. Therefore they surround themselves with laws, layers, judges, police and armies, whether they private or national, to protect themselves from the will of the nation. More correctly from the revenge of the nation. That's what you call democracy? We call this in Hungary 'peasant glare'. Just think about for a sec. You have two party in the parliament. Both want your vote. Thus they promise the stars down from the sky, as we say it, in the campaign period. When one of them won they don't give a shit about you and your problems for the upcoming four years. Even in the parliament there is no effective work going on. Why? Because if one of the party comes up with some good idea, the other definitely votes against it. Why? Because they don't want something the other party can claim four years later, like "Yes, we built 500km highway." When the opposition got into the red chair the previous ruling party will do the same against them. So, democracy is nothing but a tug of war, where participants can't win. Not the Democrats, not the Republicans, not the nation, not the country, certainly not you. Only one person will skim the game: international financier. He's the toll on poverty. He is the laughing third, who's stuffing his pocket meanwhile you and your country is going down the sewer. Financially, morally, environmentally and the view of health as well. Just look at the native americans and the land of promise today. What money did with them? What financial groups have done to them? What democracy has did to it?

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