Saturday 12 July 2014

Acting up

In your life, most of the time you are acting up. For your parents. For your school. For your classmates. For your friends, For your boy- or girlfriend. For your boss. And so on. Probably that's why Shakespeare wrote once in As You Like It: All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. Why? Because you are being measured by society's expectations all the time. If you want to stay within the tribe you must be fulfilled requirements. If you don't want to be an outcast you have to live by the rules society made before. And if I don't give a damn whether I'm inside the circle or not? Do you really want to belong to a sick tribe? Why should I befit to an other person's expectations? Don't take me wrong. I'm not talking about serial killer behavior or sociopathic attitude. I don't want to harm anyone. What if I recognised that the tribe running towards a precipice and I don't want to be a part of that catastrophic event when they reach the edge? Or take it on a smaller level. When you meet with your beloved one's parents why do you have to accomplish their desire, otherwise they gonna hate you? Oh, so just because they are narrow-minded, who fear society's judgement about their kid's marriage, I have to be a doctor, a lawyer or a CEO at some prosperous company. Nice. If they really loved their kid I think the first aspect would be that let the kid be happy. Isn't it? That's why I told you fear is the most powerful destructive energy in our system. Even parents ruin their own kid's life just to avoid society's judgement. These acts towards other persons and groups are driven by fear. Because the first thought lights up in your mind is: 'What this and this will think or say?' Now you see how dangerous labeling is and why we should stop doing that. Because you fear from what label the society will put you on. This is jiggery-pokery of your own ego. Therefore the next step must be to destroy your ego. But that's a whole another story.
When you will stop posing for other tribe members?

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