Tuesday 15 July 2014

Misinformation age

We really don't live in information age as much as we live in misinformation age. There are so many scams, misleading articles and BS on the internet. Probably you already noticed I'm not always nice, I'm not gentle. I'm not trying to convience you. I'm asking. I'm questioning. I'm provoking. Because this is how I can get you to think. Not to believe, but rethink. Start to think again. Develop a skill in you to analyse infos you receive. Don't take them as granted. Be sceptical. Being that so others can not lead you. Be suspicious. Select. Assemble. Always try to examine one info from different point of view. Try to see this tiny piece of the Whole Puzzle as where it belongs to. I know it's not easy peasy. The first step to do that is look at whom the information comes from. What goal that one want to achieve. What is the interest of those. Furthermore you have to be sceptical also on yourself. Because you see the world through a filter and, as I said so already, you can cheat this filter. Try to see things from above, not from the other side. Till you investigate an object from one side or the other you can't be even-handed. Till you are part of the examined thing obviously the conclusion won't be clear either. Once a former agent of Mossad said that 'Obscurity is our most powerful weapon.' I see this on the internet clearly today.
When you begin to examine things from above?

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