Sunday 13 July 2014

Judge and choose

No, not in imperative. Enumeration basis instead. These are the two most dangerous acts you constantly do. Rather, you were non-judgmental and neutral, try to see events and people objectively or when there is something inexplicable happening get to the bottom of it, you judge and choose a side at first glimpse. You don't know the whole story or pic, but you wanna be the first who say something about it. I see this behavior on social sites all the time. That's what leads us to labelling. Judging and choosing sides always. I can hear you say: 'Oh, I don't want to be poor. Life must be so miserable than.' Do you think that previous Dalai Lamas, The Buddha, Muhammad or Jesus have had shit life just because they didn't get a bloody Ferrari for their 5th birthday? 'Oh, poor Jesus! You should get a huge palace right beside Pilatus' residence, because you can walk on water. But, mommy is poor my baby. I'm so sorry.' Then Jesus like: 'Hm, I won't cure any guys from leprosy anymore! Fuck 'em. Till I won't get my playboy mansion and my silk robe I won't move my pinky. Anyway they are so disgusting. Yuck!' Can you imagine that? What Christians would read now instead of Bible? Or you can hear a story in the damn telly and right away you judge and choosing a side. How do you know who's right? Do you know the whole picture? It's the same with jewish people in Israel. I know lots of good jewish people who don't want war at the Middle East. They don't want to fight. They just want to live in peace with Palestinians. But lots of people condemn jewish in general. I know there are destructive people. They hurt others. Than injured people's relative trying to protect themself aaand you hear the news: 'Palestinians throwing stones against IDF tanks in Gaza District.' And you say: 'Those crazy fuckers deserve to be killed by jews.' And this is a neverending story. Why the crazy jewish, not all of them, only who do the mess over there, can't stop for good now? Leave good people alone. Because of their remorse. Because they fear. They fear that one day people will be able to see through the BS and realise that these bastards' greediness killed their beloved ones and perhaps these heart-broken fellas will stone to death them. I wouldn't judge them. The only problem is that these destructive guys have relatives as well and if you kill them the war will never stop. Violence is not the solution. Put the bloody guns down and practice of repentance and forgiveness. Try to forget the horror you put each other through and leave in peace. Otherwise you will face only more pain and terror.
When will you cease judging and choosing sides? Can't you see this leads you nowhere, but agony? Can't you see someone is thriving on both of your misery and weakening you both?

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