Thursday 7 August 2014

Sex without Love = Porn

Sex, as an act, is a pleasure for our body. Humans realized by time, that a reproductive activity gives them joy. Thus they started to do every kind of sexual thing just to get a tiny happiness in their miserable life. Instead of trying to balance their mind, soul and their body. Now they give joy only to their body. For example junk food without proper nutritions, sex and porn everywhere, more and more comfortable furnitures, cars, etc. They don't focus on the intellectual or spiritual uplift. Now I see why some ortodox jewish say goyim are equal to animlas. But, I can also see how mostly jewish owned media pushing goyim to that direction. Even you can see subliminal and flashing scenes all over the world of internet, movies, cartoons and animated videos. The only difference is that you might not as aware as I am. Sex without Love is a system, out of balance. When you love someone and make love (and not just simply having sex) with that person you thrive spiritually as well. Because you can realize how beautiful a relationship can be. Therefore you will get the need to live in a relationship, start a family, have kids and keep the system in balance, by retaining the trinity in all circumstances. Having sex without love gives pleasure only to your body. So, your trinity (mind-spirit-body) goes out of balance and tilts to the earthly pleasures only. Therefore you never gonna be able to become an enlightened one. Which is the main purpose of life. I will tell you later on why this is so important. Till watch the "family movie" Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. But without kids, strictly. There is a scene between Captain Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann on the Black Pearl when Jack asks her to convince him. He's mocking out the sword when Elizabeth is threating him by it. Than they start to flirting with each other. Even that Jack knows well Elizabeth is Will Turner's fiancee. This scene puts a woman in such role that she is good for nothing, but using her body to getting benefits in life. Than Jack stands behind a cannon and pushing his hip out meanwhile the camera shows him from an angle. So the cannon looks like his huge penis and he's trying to convince Liz to have sex with him for some benefits, but not with love. Just for curiosíty. This is such a subliminal message which is clearly against the trinity of relationships and families. Even so Disney advertises this movie as a family movie.
When you stop selling your body for benefits? When you stop selling your soul for tiny little temporary guilty pleasures and having some more staple ones?

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