Saturday 16 August 2014

What color of the light is?

Can you tell me? No, not really. Because it's complex. And where is light, there will be darkness as well. Always. You can't change it. But, you could handle it, accept it and embrace it. This is true for everything in life too. But, to realize this and stay in balance you have to see things from above. You must be able to see the complexity of things and context of them. Otherwise you will get false results. That's the problem with modern science too. They think they look at things objective. But they are taking things apart and they can't see the cohesive force and the coherent life essence in it anymore. They watching things from inside or analytically but not from above impartially. Don't take the light parts of, because then you can't see the beauty of it.
We can turn this thing backward too. To create light you need all the different color to create a new one. One thing more. The will to join and dissolve in the Whole. Sacrifice your ego for a higher quality. This is wanted in human civilization. Instead of turning against each other on every kind of real or percieved grievance, people should join forces and get to a higher level. That's why I'm said. We are more than 7 billions now and still can't do this. It's just more and more pique in the world. And more arrogance. You could lose only your freakin ego and some hate. Is that would be so bad?
When will you realize that all of us needed to create light in darkness?

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