Saturday 9 August 2014

Without devoir

Our all life is going to that direction nowadays. Everybody wants to live without obligations. That is not how the system works. But, it is good to believe in. It is a good feeling that there are no devoirs, no consequences and the all life is just a big fun and partying. BS. You can't live free and you will always have duties. When you are young you have duties to your parents and in the school. When you are working finally you have duties to your job and your boss. When you make your own business you have duties to your own, to the government and your employees. When you will have family you have duties to them. When you will make money on stockmarket you gonna be a slave of your own money. When you will have a tiny self-sufficient farm you will be a slave of your own farm. When your parents become old you will have duties to them. When you will die you will have duties, you believe it or not. So, there is no life without devoir. People don't want to understand that that you can cheat on this for a while. But, consequences will show up. If you always just partying and go to your work late or still drunk you will loose it and the money will go with it. If you always refuse your parents wish or will they gonna fuck you up. Big time. If you carelessly ruining this planet Earth will bust one day and kill you. No doubt about it. So, you can play the ignorant and negligent bastard. No question. But, how long? It is just matter of time when the eiscream will lick back.
When you will embrace devoir and look upon it as a good trainer to prepare you tougher times? When you will think about it that one day you can be on the other side of the situation? Than how would you like such a negligent person around you? Would you trust in such jerk?

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