Sunday 10 August 2014


If I want to be funny I would say the following:
Men's desire is the woman. Women's desire is NOT the man. Women, of course, want comfort and security. That's how you can pick them up easily anyway. But! They are always looking for some interesting thing, fun, secret and above all they love mysterious matters. Thus women are gonna be always ready to answer temptation. It is in their nature. Just like it's told in the Bible. But, there is an other conclusion too. Women head men. No question. So, if you want to get into a family you have to get woman on your side. That's why more than 80% of ads are made for women today. The main problem is that those ads are amplifying women's ego. For example L'oréal. "Because you worth it." In Hungary this is even worse, because they translated this slogan as: "Because I deserve it." After all, even the lasiest or the ugliest woman will feel she is above everything and her man is be happy that she is talking to him every evening. You combine this mindset with the Disney movie, I've qouted earlier, and your woman, your mom will hook up with every kind of skunk if she feels a need for tiny TLC, you don't show off or she can see some benefits from that stranger. The final result is families are fucked up. Trinity is gone. The end. That's why "the democratic leaders", the puppemaster wants to break up muslim societies. Because the families are still in the old and proper route over there. This is not good for the puppetmaster, who made a deal with negative forces, just to rule the whole world. Why? The puppetmaster needs puppets. Without proper rearing, without the protective circle of family you are so easily controlable and trainable just like a little puppy. So the tempter will always do some psychological trick on your woman to get in charge. To get inside the circle. And when s/he's in, you lost the game, because your woman's ego will answer the temptation. That's her nature. Anyway that's how we can attract them at the first place. The unavoidable fact is that the tempter must not be physically there to tempt. It can be a subliminal message in telly, in a movie, in a magazine or a flashy stuff on internet. You can't stave off this. The tempter is always there. The question is: is your woman enlightened enough to resist? Till the answer is no, the formula above is true.
Ladies, when will you stop acting like a feather-brained blondie?

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