Sunday 17 August 2014

Spiritual vs Religious world view

That's gonna be tough, but important writing. I'm not expecting that all of you will understand at first. But you have to. This is the key to understand why is our world is fucked up today. In spiritual perceptual reality we are all connected. So we are all equal. The Earth is our mother and the Sun is Her fertilizier. The Sun is the father of the life on Mother Earth. Now, in religious perceptual reality you have a humanized God and Earth is no longer the mother of every life on Her. It's only a property. Than trouble came. When we decided that the Creator entity has a human form that rationalizing justified the mistreating the rest of the natural world. Sexism and racism came out of this kind of perceptual change. Because in this new religious perceptual reality Earth wasn't our mother anymore. It was a property of this new God. And God's childern's job was to subdued the Earth for God. Sexism came from the new attitude to Mother Earth. Racism came from the covenant with this psycho God, I already described, because the spiritual, all connected, perceptual reality was gone. And who made a deal with this new sadistic god become higher than other tribes. Can you see the context yet? Disney orphans programming, Real family, Native American Holocaust and judeo-christian religious world view. Spiritually we are all orphans because we lost our Mother(Earth). And we got this psycho god who make us run away from family and try to find happiness somewhere else, but the whole world is full of his brainwashed servants and you can't find an other compos mentis, because there are only two options left. One is you have family with some of the servants and you will be cannibalized spiritually or you will get a non-servant, but probably that one is turned to insane by the religious servants. So, what kind of family and children you can expect from such league? Our ancestors were forced to see life differently an ordered to remain just phisically alive. That was the moment of the tragedy of the whole mankind. That was the moment when we sealed the fate of Mother Earth. Since we don't look upon Her as a good and loving mother, but a salable property what we don't have to respect. That's why people are polluting Mother Earth and treating Her disgustingly. Actually we made a prostitute out of our own mother, forget our ancestors, our brothers and worshipping to a psycho. Can you comprehend the seriousness of this twisted world view?
When you will return to your spiritual perceptual reality and join to your family again?

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